Masturbate, watch porn or have illicit sex in God's presence?
Num 25:1,6: "While Israel stayed at Shittim, the people were not faithful to the Lord and began to have sex with the daughters of Moab. … Then one of the people of Israel came and brought a Midianite woman to his family. Moses and all the people of Israel saw this while they were crying at the door of the meeting tent." NLV
Yes it once happened before. At one point the Israelite men were taking Moabite women to have sex with them in their camping ground right before the physical manifestation of God's presence in the tarbenacle. God was not happy about it and instructed Moses that those doing so should die. Moses and the rest of the Israelites were moved and went before the tarbenacle to plead with God and a very arrogant Israelite man appeared at thar time dragging a Moabite woman to have sex with her in his tent while others were praying for God's mercy.
When you are watching porn in your room is God there with you in your room as you do it?
When you are masturbating in your room is God there with you in your room as you do it?
When you are having illicit sex in your room is God there with you in your room as you do it?
What is my point?
For you to watch porn, masturbate and have illicit sex you have to mentally do this:
1. Convince yourself that for that moment God does NOT exist- He is not there. If you believed He was there with you , you would not do it.( You mentally kill God in your mind in order to give yourself permission to do that which you belive He does not approve. In that moment...YOU are God and there is no other)
2. If you believe He is there watching you, you have to convince yourself that for that moment that He doesn't care about you and is an evil person therefore you are just going to go ahead to do it as He watches to fix Him.
"If He is so loving why did He give me strong sexual urges which are difficult to control? Its His fault that i feel horny!!!"
Sex, masturbation and viewing of porn at certain times may become an act of rebellion against God.
Do you feel stuck in a sexual habit?
Have you tried getting control over it but you keep falling back into it again and again?
Have you lost hope and are almost giving up?
Contact us: 0724591335
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