Monday, April 26, 2021



What if i have watched the worst imaginable version of porn? What if i have done the worst imaginable sexual activity? Will God still love me? πŸ™ˆπŸ˜”πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜©πŸ˜«πŸ˜£πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­

Sometimes our struggle pulls us into the abyss of sexual  temptation to a point where we are afraid of who we are becoming.

For example some cannot go a day without sexual intercourse. They have multiple sexual partners and have done just about everything portrayed in hard core porn. Some have watched stuff that is opposite to their beliefs on sexuality and they are now questioning their own sexual orientation.

What happens when you think you have done the worst thing imaginable?

Would God still love you?

Even when you feel filthy and are disgusted at the stuff you have watched or done? 

Rem Rom 8:31-39: "What, then, can we possibly say in response to this? Don't you realize that God is on our side? And if God is for us, who can be against us? God does not need convincing to be good to us; No! It is we who need convincing that God is good to us! If he did not withhold his own Son– but gave him up for us all– don't you realize that he will withhold nothing good from us? But along with his Son, he will give us all things that are for our good! Who is it, then, that brings charges against those whom God has chosen? Stop believing Satan's lies about God — it is not God who brings charges against us! It is God who sets us right with himself. It is God who heals and transforms us. Then who condemns? It is not Jesus, oh no! Christ Jesus, who died– and more importantly, who was raised from death to life– is sitting at God's right hand and is working hand in hand with his Father. Together they are interceding with the malignancy of sin in our minds and holding in check the power of the evil one, while providing the Remedy for our deliverance, healing and restoration. Who, then, shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Shall problems, or hardships, or criticism, or persecution, or hunger, or disease, or homelessness, or nakedness, or imprisonment, or financial ruin, or terrorists, or war? As it is written: "For no matter what we face, including death, we will not doubt you; even if we are treated as sheep led to the slaughter– our confidence in you will not waver." In all things — no matter what we face — we are more than conquerors through trust in him who loved us. For I am absolutely convinced that God is totally on our side and nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the past nor present nor future, nor any power in the universe; neither things exalted nor things debased, nor anything else in all creation– nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." The Remedy Bible

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