Sunday, May 16, 2021


1Cor 9:26-27: "In the same way, I run straight for the place at the end of the race. I fight to win. I do not beat the air. I keep working over my body. I make it obey me. I do this because I am afraid that after I have preached the Good News to others, I myself might be put aside." NLV

Recovery from sexual brokenness is possible but requires your sweat, blood and tears - there are no pain free options. To get to a point where you may suspect you are now addicted it would mean that the repeation of the same undesires behaviour has over a period of time rewired your brain. Yes, your neural pathways change overtime as you continue to fall into the same habit. In the end your habit becomes part of you and peform it as a reflex action- it is quite easy to do it and very difficult to resist it;

"Man, i am a mess- i have done it again! I really try not to do it bro, but i keep falling back into it. Will i ever break free from this?"😭πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜«

If people knew how difficult fighting a sexual addiction is, they would avoid sexual pitfalls in the first place.

However, there is hope for YOU. Recovery is a journey, and therefore it should be seen as a process and not an event. 

1. You have to ADMIT that you are a mess and are in need of help.

2. You have to seek for help. You CANNOT fight a sexual addiction alone.

3. Surround yourself with a support team- people who give you motivation to keep fighting and comfort you when you have fallen.

4.Keep vigilant. Remove every root that can connect you to the undesired behaviour. Delete the videos, block the conctacts, don't go to his/her place etc.

5. Keep praying and keep fighting.


Are you feeling stuck?

Are you tired of falling again and again?

Are you addicted to porn, masturbation and illicit sex?

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