Friday, June 18, 2021



"Bro, i can't go a day without watching porn. In fact i even watch it early morning before going to church (even on days when i preach). Its so bad man, i can't get erect when trying to be intimate with my wife but i can get an erection in seconds of watching porn. I am a mess bro, my thoughts are very graphic. All the scenes of pornography that i watch keep replaying in my mind. I really need help!"

Gal 6:7-8: "But don't delude yourselves: God cannot be tricked or fooled, and his methods cannot be evaded. A person actually reaps what they sow; a person actually receives the results of their own choices. The one who indulges the selfish nature will experience the natural consequences of a damaged mind — increased fear, broken relationships, separation from God, and eventual death; but the one who chooses to follow the Spirit, from the Spirit they will experience a healed mind, internal peace, unity with God, and eternal life." The Remedy Bible

You will reap what you sow. That is a divine principle. Years of indulging in sexual vices change your brain's neural pathways. Years of watching porn, habitual masturbation and sleeping around transform your mind. You eventually become enslaved by your habits before you know it you are entrapped.You cannot evade the consequences.

Rom 6:16: "Don't you realize that when you gratify selfish desires, you are being slowly transformed and become more and more selfish, destroying the very faculties that recognize and respond to God's healing truth? Don't you realize that over time you lose your freedom to choose and become a slave to selfishness and lust, which lead only to self-destruction and death? Conversely, if you accept God's gracious Remedy and choose his methods, you are transformed and become Christlike in character." The Remedy Bible

You cannot continue on the path you are in right now and not be harmed. Stop digging your own grave. You can begin your recovery journey TODAY. Stop ignoring God's pleading voice. 

Heb 3:15: "As Scripture says, “If you hear what God is saying to you today, don't have a hard-hearted attitude like the time you rebelled against him.”" FBV

ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH SEXUAL BROKENNESS(Pornography, masturbation and illicit sex addiction)?

Do you feel stuck?

Are you tired of fighting a losing battle?

Are you losing hope?

Do not fight your battle ALONE. Contact: @makeiteasy7

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